AMG Employee Attendance Software is a real user-friendly time and attendance software which is completely menu-driven. AMG Attendance tracking software Its graphical menu items, settings configuration wizard, employee entry wizard, color-coded and image-coded notations will make system users of any computer literacy level to feel ease and comfort while working with the system.
AMG Time Mangement software accompanies automated calculations of employee times and wages, which is the primary feature of the system, will have results for your company with many benefits. For instance, better control of labor force and improvement of work productivity. Moreover, AMG Attendance system will assist you in decision-making processes, as far as the system´s reports can help you to monitor department and job costs, identify most efficient and inefficient employees, and provide lots of other information, which is, certainly very useful and valuable information for the company´s Top Management for making right decisions.
Annual Maintenance Agreements available for the AMG Employee Attendance Software & Package.
HR functions
AMG timeclock software enables performing such HR functions as tracking employee attendance, employee earliness and tardiness, transfers from one department to another and from one job to another, assigning schedules, applying rounding to In and Out punches, calculating overtime, and calculating employee time and wages.
Payment policies
In AMG Attendance System you can create as many policies as you need. By configuring policies you are given a possibility to define holiday payment rules, overtime payment rules, and also exceptions to be reported. AMG Attendance System supports 3 levels of overtime and also 3 modes of overtime calculation, which are Daily Overtime, Weekly Overtime and Consecutive Days Overtime.
AMG time recording software is further more designed to support as many shift groups as you need, which can include also many individual shifts. The system is designed as well to support flexible shifts, which have no fixed start and stop times. The system is also designed to support an assigning schedule with a floating shift, which assumes that the system will use the Shift´s Cutoff value to find the closest shift and automatically assign an employee to that closest shift.
Comprehensive Reporting System
Approximately 30 reports are included in the system, which can be generated for any employee and for any time period you need. Generation of each report is designed to be an easy process of a maximum 3 steps. Besides being displayed on the screen, reports can also be saved as different file formats (.doc, .xls, .pdf etc.), printed or automatically sent to any e-mail recipient.
Payroll Export
AMG Attendance System enables generating payroll reports which are to be used by 3rd party payroll systems. These reports can also automatically be sent to any e-mail recipient. The following payroll exports are being supported by AMG Attendance System:
Settings Configuration Wizard
Settings configuration wizard is designed to help first-time users to configure system´s main settings by giving detailed step-by-step instructions and showing the right order of configuring system´s settings.
Bell ringing
This module allows creating bell schedules according to which devices will be activated to ring a bell. The schedule defines days of the week, time of the day and duration of the ring.
Fixing wrong transactions
The system tracks all transactions with wrong badge numbers, wrong department codes, and wrong job codes. This can be fixed later by assigning them to the correct ones.
Device Polling
This module enables polling information from data collection devices, and also synchronization of changes in PC´s date and time with devices.
Badge Transfer
Using this feature, AMG Attendance System users are given a possibility to transfer employee info included in devices (badge number, biometric data, etc.) from one device to another. This feature helps prevent performing double work. Once you have created a badge by any device you can easily transfer it to other devices.
Auto Processes
Auto Processes feature is a powerful tool for efficient use of time, as it enables automating the execution of some daily tasks. Each user can define any schedule for execution of tasks according to his convenience, as this information is being stored locally on the user´s PC. The tasks being supported by AMG Attendance System are as follows: Running File, Polling Device, Optimizing Database, Running and automatically sending Report and Database Backup.
Benefit Accruals
This module allows assigning an employee a benefit time, such as vacation time or sick time, and automatically calculates the balance of that benefit time.
Security of the system is being ensured by authorization of users with the help of their unique User names and Passwords. System administrator and all those users who have the same permission can also limit some users access to the system by not granting permission to its some features or by allowing to access employee data for only certain divisions and groups.
PC Clock
PC Clock allows employees to perform all time clock actions at their PC. As far as it can completely imitate the performance of data collection devices, this feature can help you to ensure the continuing work of the system in case there are some problems with data collection devices and data cannot be captured from them.
Database Optimization
AMG Attendance System offers a database management tool, such as database optimization, which will ensure efficient use of server hard disk.
Database Backup and Restore
AMG Attendance System provides also a database backup and restore tool, which is a very valuable tool for archiving the data of the system and minimizes the risk of losing the information.
Employee Messaging
AMG Attendance System can enable displaying any message defined by you at data collection terminals after employee validation.
Status Board
This module is a good control tool which gives the supervisors a possibility to find out what employees are doing at the current time or at any moment in the last 99 hours. It defines the following 5 statuses: Working, Absent, Outside, Lunch and Break.
AMG Employee Attendance Software Features:
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Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart This is a great access control feature which allows you to restrict employee’s access to terminal based on punch time and day of the week. You will have possibility to create access time intervals and assign up to 3 different intervals to each employee separately. If your terminals support access control feature and you want to restrict access based on time, we will highly recommend using this feature. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart This module gives you an opportunity for more flexible rounding configuration of In/Out, Lunch and Break times. Besides it is a useful tool for evaluation of employee’s attendance based on attendance codes. Depending on the amount of minutes an employee is late or early, employees receive some points, which can be either positive or negative, and which are later being summarized in a special report for evaluating employee’s attendance. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart Allows creating and configuring rules for automatically accruing benefit hours for any category (e.g. VACATION, SICK-PAID, etc.) based on employee’s worked hours (both regular and overtime). Also this module will help you with automating assignment of fixed benefit hours. You can definitely start saving by eliminating manual calculations and assignments for benefit accruals! Our Price: $88.00 Add To Cart Punch Monitor is a special built-in screen which can be integrated with all real-time terminals for displaying certain information, including employee’s name and photo, right after punching. If you keep the Punch Monitor screen open, all of the punches will be transferred to the database in real-time mode. This will allow you to see the most updated data without manually polling. If you are using a proximity card system, Punch Monitor may help you eliminate buddy punching. The photo of the employees during punch time will be displayed. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart This module will allow storing all badges from all connected terminals to the database (“repository”) and showing them in one screen. From this screen, you can easily transfer required badges to as many terminals as you have. You may also delete badges simultaneously from as many terminals as needed. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart Will allow employees to login into the system, see their timecards, schedules, benefits, as well as generate corresponding reports (if permissions are granted). Additionally, employees will be able to communicate with other employees and admins by sending and receiving messages. They can also submit time off requests which could be approved by the system admins. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart By default, our software is provided with MySQL support. If you have MS SQL Server already installed in your server computer and want to use our software with your MS SQL Server, then you should get this module which enables their connectivity support. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart By enabling this module, employees’ accumulated overtime hours is stored into “Bank Hours” benefit category. Accumulated “banked” hours can be used by employees for time-offs. Banked hours will be possible to use only during current pay period. At the end of pay period, remaining banked hours should be paid to employee or the balance would be zeroed. Our Price: $176.00 Add To Cart This module provides you with 3 additional features related to lunch time management. 1. No Lunch: allows viewing in a separate window or generate report of employees who have missed lunch. Optionally, you can provide bonus hours for each missed lunch. 2. Short Lunch: allows viewing in a separate report employees who have taken lunch for a period shorter than scheduled. In this case, you can optionally provide bonus hours for each short lunch. 3. Late Lunch: allows activating alarm for displaying in a separate window those employees who at the current moment should have already taken lunch, but haven’t actually taken yet. Our Price: $110.00 Add To Cart This module enables users to create and save documents for employees based on predefined templates. Some of the data may be replaced by the available employee data in the software. This tool is most useful for HR department who are responsible for preparing work contracts. Our Price: $88.00 Add To Cart The AMG Software comes standard with 16 categories which represent different types of working time usage. Examples are work, lunch, vacation, etc. You can add you custom categories to this list. Our Price: $160.00 Add To Cart Designed for all California businesses to support automatic calculation of sick pay based on California Healthy Workplace Healthy Family Act in effect on July 1st, 2015. |